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Platt Church of England Primary School

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Vision and Values

Platt C of E Primary School is proud to be a church school.  Our distinctive Christian Vision is driven by the parable of the mustard seed.  The school vision promotes rich experiences and excellent curriculum provision, resulting in happy confident pupils, who achieve well, feel safe and genuinely care for each other.  


“Live life in all its fullness” John 10:10  

Like Jesus’ teaching in the parable of the mustard seed (Matthew 13:31-32), we believe that children at Platt Primary are like seeds with the potential to grow and flourish as they are nurtured and encouraged to develop their unique gifts.  We are a family where we care for others and the world around us, we learn as a community and grow in wisdom and we forgive as God forgave us.  

Following the inspiration of Jesus, children at Platt Primary flourish as they embrace opportunities to develop their own unique gifts. Our school is a family where we care for others and the world around us, we learn with enthusiasm, hope and courage and we forgive others as God forgave us.  

Our guiding vision statement permeates through every aspect of school life and we strive to help children leave us with the skills they need to live their life to the full.  Our aim is that by the end of their time with us, our children are happy and confident, performing in all aspects of our curriculum to the best of their ability and equipped to succeed in the next chapter of their educational journey.


Care – Compassion, Friendship

Learn – Wisdom, Koinonia

Forgive – Forgiveness, Hope


To encourage our children to learn with enthusiasm, hope and courage, to the best of their ability.

To care for others and the world around us.

To learn to forgive others as God forgives us.